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The concept of independent learning

Independent learning does not mean studying alone. Often people confuse self-learning as learning itself. Misunderstanding occurred because in general they are studying at UT tended to learn on their own without a tutor or classmates. Self-learning means learning initiative, with or without the help of others, in learning.

As an independent student, you do not have to know all things. You are also not expected to be a genius student who does not need help from others. One of the principle of independent learning is that you can know when you need help or support another party. The definition includes knowing when you need to meet other students, study groups, the board of administration in UPBJJ, tutor, or even neighbors who studied at another university. Assistance / support may include activities to motivate each other to learn, for example, chatting with neighbors who lectures at other universities, often can motivate us to study hard. Assistance / support may also mean the dictionary, a book supporting literature, the case of newspapers, news from radio or television, libraries, information about the schedule of tutorials, and other things that do not relate to people.

Most importantly you are able to identify the sources of information. Identify the source of this information is needed to facilitate your learning when you need help or support.

Learning Media
One of the main characteristics of distance learning is the use of learning media. The main study Media at UT is printed teaching materials, known as modules. Each medium has advantages and disadvantages. You can choose which media suited to support your learning. Click Learning Effectively with the Media to find out more about learning media. On that topic, you will find information on tips to maximize the use of media for learning purposes

The use of media for the purposes of this study is also one form of learning strategies. For example, audio media will be very helpful for people who have a learning style "auditory". More detailed explanation of learning style you can get on the topic of Identifying Learning Styles.

Use media for learning are often considered strange because it's not uncommon for those who are accustomed to learn face to face. In distance learning, use of media is not something strange. As a UT student what if you try to identify the media learn that provided UT? Who knows you will find it easier to learn through the media supporting them? Who knows, too, supporting media can be an effective learning strategy for you?

Effective Learning Strategies
The existence of physical distance between teacher and student, making some functions are not acting teachers, such as the function of teachers in providing teaching materials during lectures or teaching function in disciplining students for upper division courses. Teaching functions that sort of thing that does not exist on the system BJJ, so should disiasati own by BJJ students through learning strategies. For example, you must be clever to make a schedule for reading materials, through a module or other media, as one way to communicate with the instructor. Teaching materials represent the teaching because the teaching materials is the brainchild of teachers. You also have to anticipate the self-disciplined to carry out a schedule that you have created. If a student generally must be disciplined to go to college, then you can plan the same amount of time to be used to read the module. You are actually lucky to be able to study anywhere. All you have to do is disciplined to determine when to learn.

Planning the learning strategies are specific skills students need to be developed BJJ. As a student of BJJ, you can not use face-to-face study habits to succeed. If you carry a habit to learn face to face to learn the system of BJJ, then you will experience many difficulties. For example, you may be too busy working so forget learning. You also can get stuck in routine activities at home such as child care, social gathering, meeting RT; so you are not skilled to anticipate your study time. In the process of distance learning, no people (teachers / lecturers) that helps you to remind or tell you to learn other than yourself. Only yourself that can trigger and accelerate your learning.

Study habits are not easy to replace face to face just like that. Therefore, BJJ students need to learn about specific skills that can help you to learn about how to learn. By studying a variety of special skills in this study, then you will be able to anticipate learn in BJJ system, such as the Open University.
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