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Experimental Research

Experimental research can be defined as a systematic method to build relationships that contain the phenomenon of cause and effect. Experimental research is the core method of study models using quantitative approach. In the experimental method, the researcher must do three requirements, namely a controlling, manipulating activities, and observation. In experimental studies, researchers divided the object or subject under study into 2 groups: treatment group who received treatment and control groups who did not receive treatment. Characteristics of experimental research are:

Manipulate / change systematically certain circumstances.
Controlling variables: controlling the conditions of the study when the ongoing manipulation
Observation is to measure and observe the results of manipulation.
The process of preparation of experimental research on prisnsipnya same as other types of research. Explicitly, can be viewed as follows:

Conducting studies inductively related problems would be solved
Identifying problems
Doing litelatur relevant studies, mempormulasikan research hypotheses, determine the operational definitions and variables.
Making a research plan include: identifying variables that are not needed, determine how to control variables, selecting the proper experimental design, determine the population and selecting the study sample, dividing subjects into control group and experimental group, create the appropriate instruments, to identify procedures and data collection determine the hypothesis.
To conduct the experiment (giving treatment in the experimental group)
Collecting data from experiments
Classifying and describing the data of each variable
Doing data analysis with appropriate statistical techniques
Create reports experimental research.

In experimental studies the researcher must compile the variables at least one hypothesis that a causal relationship between the variables that occur. The variables studied included the independent variables and the dependent variable is determined strictly by researchers since the beginning of the study. In the field of learning such as those identified as independent variables including: method of teaching, a variety of reinforcement, the frequency of strengthening, educational infrastructure, learning environment, learning materials, the number of study groups. While the dependent variable identified include: student learning outcomes, student readiness, student independence.
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