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Reset Cristal Tv

How to reset tv cristal which would damage the service manual.

There is a wide collection of service manual and schematic tv that can be in the can for free. tv service manual including LG Polytron Sharp Panasonic Toshiba Sony Samsung Philips Digitec Konka Etc.

CRYSTAL TV sometimes and even often have problems in IC memorynya.Yaitu condition where the TV does not want to start (just standby) even though the power button on the remote already in the press many times. This incident often can I do if my petir.Dugaan rainy season and damage This occurs because the TV exposure induced by lightning from the grid or antena.Tapi also not uncommon to happen by itself.
First I always replace memory IC which bertype: 81DC (IC actually this is a general memory IC that is 24c08, and who is 24co4 bertype 41DC).
If you do not have a backup memory "real" her, or who have been programmed, then there is no other way, we have to reset the memory IC otomatis.Dengan records are not physically damaged or short.
The trick is as follows: turn on the TV and leave it on standby (protectionism), take the remote control: Press the OK button on the remote and tombolPower, lasting about 3 seconds, wait until the TV automatically turns on.
Check the picture and sound, if no reply is not normal, immediately go into service mode menu to reset the parameters utama.Karena if not, someday TV will return terprotek back.
Here I often get this case on the type C-201 (20 ") and C -1 401 (14").
To enter the service mode, in standby press simultaneously vol (+) and VOL (-) on tv and tv stand up to turn on automatically to a position of service mode.

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